Join Danfoss Drives and help us accelerate the Green Transformation!

The need for energy conservation to save the environment is a key driver in the development of speed control devices, and AC drives provide the best method of controlling the speed of electrical motors to match load demand.

In Danfoss Drives in Graasten we are around 1000 passionate Drives experts, working in an innovative & global environment where we focus on diversity, sustainability, technology and are on the journey to build a more agile organization.

We are on a fantastic growth journey with many new products being developed. Along with new products, we are also transforming our factories to become Smart factories with a higher level of connectivity, automation, and digitalization. All giving us a lot of great & fun challenges to solve in the years to come.

So, join us in working for a greener and better future

If you are interested, apply for the job, and join our teams!

Search results for "". Page 1 of 1, Results 1 to 6 of 6
Job title Job location Sort descending Job category Job experience level
Test Engineer
Test Engineer Graasten, DK Mid-Senior level
Graasten, DK Supply Chain and Operations Mid-Senior level
Head of Business Development & Product management Graasten, DK R&D, Technology and Engineering Mid-Senior level
Intern - AI Assistant Tool
Intern - AI Assistant Tool Graasten, DK Student/Internship
Graasten, DK R&D, Technology and Engineering Student/Internship
Product Launch Owner for iC7-Automation
Product Launch Owner for iC7-Automation Graasten, DK Mid-Senior level
Graasten, DK Marketing & Communication Mid-Senior level
Data Architect
Data Architect Graasten, DK +3 more… Mid-Senior level
Graasten, DK +3 more… R&D, Technology and Engineering Mid-Senior level
Production Engineer
Production Engineer Graasten, DK Entry level
Graasten, DK Supply Chain and Operations Entry level

Why should you join us in Danfoss Drives?

As part of our team, you will be able to contribute with sustainable solutions. AC drives supply the best method of controlling the speed of electrical motors to match load demand. Even minor changes in motor speed can cause significant changes in energy consumption.

Our drives play a major and very necessary role in modern, everyday life by making the world and our way of living more sustainable.


When you join Danfoss, you will join a culture which values, trusts, and respects your voice as a team member. Although we sometimes fail, we learn from our mistakes and come back even stronger.

We strive to deliver growth and strong financial results whilst caring for our people. Strengthened product compliance and circular thinking in our product design are key enablers for making our products and processes more sustainable. Our products have never been more relevant nor have our people

In Danfoss Drives, we do not only talk about climate challenges we act. Energy efficiency is at our core and purpose. Our products, technology, and solutions play a key role in passing on the world to the next generation as a better place. Together with our customers, we contribute to a greener and better future with more actions than promises.

We are driven by drives and passionate about supplying a competitive edge in key applications across various industries.

Did you know?

Since introducing the world to AC drives back in 1968, we’ve continued to lead the change when it comes to bringing variable speed control to electric motors.

Drawing on decades of passion and experience within a wide range of industries we can deliver drives that work with any motor or system. From our first low-voltage drive to our most recent product launch, we’ve remained at the forefront of technological breakthroughs thanks to a healthy investment in people and R&D.

Now, today, we’re proud to boast a portfolio that also includes servo drives, harmonics drives, and medium-voltage drives –to deliver the kind of technology and digital solutions that will enable our customers to excel in an ever-changing world.

In Danfoss Drives in Graasten we are ~1000 Drives experts, and we are passionate about Drives! We take pride in our people and by continuously investing in experts and front runners we are building a team that can engineer tomorrow.

Explore more about Danfoss Drives