Študentská stáž na HR oddelení

Requisition ID:  41860
Job Location(s): 

Povazska Bystrica, SK

Job Description

Danfoss Power Solutions ponúka skvelú príležitosť pre študentku/študenta VŠ so zameraním na ľudské zdroje a ekonomiku na oddelenie ľudských zdrojov v Považskej Bystrici. Ak ťa baví práca s číslami a máš anglický jazyk aspoň na úrovni B1, neváhaj - pošli CV a získavaj skúsenosti z personalistiky a miezd už počas štúdia.

Job Responsibilities

Čo bude tvojou úlohou?

  • spracovanie dochádzky zamestnancov a pomocné administratívne práce
  • spolupráca so školami, príprava marketingových aktivít
  • organizovanie pohovorov
  • spolupráca na prebiehajúcich projektoch

Background & Skills

Od vhodného uchádzača požadujeme: 

  • štúdium v oblasti Ľudských zdrojov, ekonomiky, alebo inom príbuznom odbore
  • veľmi dobrá znalosť práce s počítačom (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Canva)
  • schopnosť komunikovať v anglickom jazyku verbálne aj písomne
  • precíznosť, zameranie na detail a dobrý vzťah k práci s číslami
  • veľmi dobré komunikačné schopnosti, radosť z práce s ľuďmi a medzi ľuďmi
  • proaktivita, zodpovednosť, spoľahlivosť

Vítané sú predchádzajúce pracovné (stačia brigádne) skúsenosti v podobnej oblasti (personalistika, administratíva, účtovníctvo)

Employee Benefits

Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity:

  • Stabilná práca v renomovanej medzinárodnej spoločnosť, prístup k moderným technológiám
  • možnosť učiť sa od špecialistov v oblasti personálneho manažmentu a miezd
  • Zabezpečená doprava firemným autobusom z Novej Dubnice, Dubnice nad Váhom a Ilavy + firemný autobus v rámci PB priamo do práce.
  • Možnosť participovať na zaujímavých projektoch a eventoch

Danfoss – Engineering Tomorrow

At Danfoss, we are engineering solutions that allow the world to use resources in smarter ways - driving the sustainable transformation of tomorrow. No transformation has ever been started without a group of passionate, dedicated and empowered people. We believe that innovation and great results are driven by the right mix of people with diverse backgrounds, personalities, skills, and perspectives, reflecting the world in which we do business. To make sure the mix of people works, we strive to create an inclusive work environment where people of all backgrounds are treated equally, respected, and valued for who they are. It is a strong priority within Danfoss to improve the health, working environment and safety of our employees.

Following our founder’s mindset “action speaks louder than words”, we set ourselves ambitious targets to protect the environment by embarking on a plan to become CO2 neutral latest by 2030.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or other protected category.


Danfoss engineers solutions that increase machine productivity, reduce emissions, lower energy consumption, and enable electrification.

Our solutions are used in such areas as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, power conversion, motor control, industrial machinery, automotive, marine, and off- and on-highway equipment. We also provide solutions for renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, as well as district-energy infrastructure for cities.

Our innovative engineering dates back to 1933. Danfoss is family-owned, employing more than 42.000 people, serving customers in more than 100 countries through a global footprint of 95 factories.


Danfoss engineers solutions that increase machine productivity, reduce emissions, lower energy consumption, and enable electrification.

Our solutions are used in such areas as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, power conversion, motor control, industrial machinery, automotive, marine, and off- and on-highway equipment. We also provide solutions for renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, as well as district-energy infrastructure for cities.

Our innovative engineering dates back to 1933. Danfoss is family-owned, employing more than 42.000 people, serving customers in more than 100 countries through a global footprint of 95 factories.